
What is a Demi-Sac?

Not everyone buys wine in cases, but we all like to save money. Therefore, we've created the "Demi-sac." Essentially it's a half case of wine, in a reusable wine bag, discounted even more than a case. Need a gift for the party host? Are you too busy to think about another detail?

We feature a monthly demi-sac which contains six seasonal wines geared toward the current weather and upcoming holidays, and meant to pair with the traditional foods of the moment. Our demi-sacs hold many of our staff's favorites, and are delicious, approachable choices at a great savings.

GET READY, GET 6, GO! Buy a demi-sac today!

Our current demi-sacs:

As the weather turns cool and crisp and the leaves change and fall, you'll want versatile whites and hearty reds. Enjoy our seasonal mix of two white wines and four reds to keep you warm on these chilly fall evenings.